Friday, November 6, 2009

Building Permits!!!! Woo Hoo!

It had been a stressful week waiting for the permits to be issued. The first application was denied, but with a few adjustments and a call, we finally have the all clear to build.

Yesterday was nasty weather, unless the sun was out. Snow, rain, sleet, sunshine, hail, it all came, but we plugged on as best we could. We did call it an early day so Fred could deal with some of the permit issues and get ready to go into town to have dinner with his family.

Today was perfect weather, but a little cold. We got a lot done and the septic area is taking shape. Tomorrow we hope to get everything in place for an inspection on Monday. It was exciting to move around the space and see where each room would be!

Long day, lots of gravel being moved, but happy to have permits in place!

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