Sunday, November 29, 2009


It was an eventful couple of days with the first of the trusses being put into place. On Friday, Rene used the excavator to lift the trusses onto the roof! A few heartstopping moments as they caught one of the walls and started to push it out. The plan was rethought and they were soon sitting securely on top. Shawn and Cory worked on Saturday and with their help, the bedroom section of the house now has the beginning of a roof.

Fred and I went over for a couple of hours today to put the posts in the basement to level the main floor and stop the beam from sagging. It was nice to sit in the livingroom (window) have a picnic and imagine how things would look in the spring.

Afterwards, we looked at what trees still need to come down and picked out one to use as a Christmas tree.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Rooms- I see Rooms!

Again, upon my return on Wednesday, I couldn't believe how much had taken shape! Mac came down for Monday and Tuesday and was a great help. I think Shawn was a little disappointed to see me Wednesday morning and not Mac!

It is great to walk through the space and actually see where the rooms will be. I've posted pictures of the view from the bedroom and to the back from the kitchen window.

We had rain off and on yesterday and today. Yesterday we threw in the (very wet) towel and headed into town to look at shingles, after stopping in at Tims's for a hot chocolate and change of clothes.

Today, we sent Shawn home after the lunchtime downpour, but we stayed on to clean up the basement area. The rain eventually stopped and we went back up to work on the beams for the loft area. Thomas and Daniel both came out and were a great help. The end of the day was very productive.

The garage foundation is done and I was very impressed by Rocky and his group of what appeared to be kids. They worked through the rain yesterday mixing cement, laying the block and pointing the seams. They worked together like a well oiled machine. A pleasure to see!

Tomorrow trusses????

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Main level

Even though it rained most of Thursday, Fred and I stayed back and got a few odd jobs done in the basement. A productive day overall. Rene backfilled the back of the house and moved the sheds to make room for the septic tank.

We took Friday to catch up on paperwork and do some overdo running around. We came back very early this morning (2am Sunday) so we could put in a few hours today to take advantage of the sunshine.Thomas helped by moving some stone around in the basement to get things ready for the basement floor to be poured. Fred and I snapped some chalk lines to get ready for the main floor wall framing. It appears that the weight of the backfill along with the rain, caused the building to shift a bit.Not a very big deal, but discouraging when so much care is put into making everything perfect.

It is nice to be able to walk from the driveway right up to the "front door" though!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Front Framing

When we left Monday, Thomas, Daniel and Fred were leveling the stone to get an idea of how much more was needed. Lots of hard work for them. While I was in Barrie working, the laid the drainage pipe and covered it with clear stone. Sounds easy, but not when you consider that the stone had to be carried from the inside of the house in buckets!

On Wednesday, I was excited to see the front framing was done and by the end of the day, most of the floor was in place. A few glitches that ate up some time, but all is well.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Beatiful November

We have had the most wonderful stretch of weather and have been taking advantage of it, getting on site early and staying as late as possible. Lots has happened this week.

On Monday, the cement was poured for the footings.Tuesday, Fred and Bob laid the first four courses of ICF.

When I came back on Wednesday, it was a beautiful, cold, crisp morning. We finished the ICF and installed the bracing on Thursday.

Thursday afternoon the cement truck came just after the pumper truck. I love when the timing works out perfectly. The pour was delayed a couple of hours, and we were grateful to have the extra time to make some minor adjustments and make sure all the bracing was in place. I was very nervous for the first few minutes since I stood inside with screws, bracing and a drill ready in case the ICF bulged under the weight of cement. It all went smoothly.

Friday, we removed the bracing then Bob and I installed the waterproofing membrane to the exterior. It could have tested the patience, but only a bit of frustration going around an inside corner. I have never encounter a product so sticky, but overall, Bob and I made quite the team. Fred installed some of the sill plates between deliveries of extra stone that was dumped inside with a stone slinger. We had a very late night removing the remainder of the scaffolding. We had left it up until the last moment since it was much easier to install the sill plate from there. Thomas was a great help pulling the re-bar out and helping load the trailer.

Saturday, Daniel, Thomas, Fred and I went back for a few hours to spread the stone, while I made an attempt to put new handles on the wheel barrow.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Building Permits!!!! Woo Hoo!

It had been a stressful week waiting for the permits to be issued. The first application was denied, but with a few adjustments and a call, we finally have the all clear to build.

Yesterday was nasty weather, unless the sun was out. Snow, rain, sleet, sunshine, hail, it all came, but we plugged on as best we could. We did call it an early day so Fred could deal with some of the permit issues and get ready to go into town to have dinner with his family.

Today was perfect weather, but a little cold. We got a lot done and the septic area is taking shape. Tomorrow we hope to get everything in place for an inspection on Monday. It was exciting to move around the space and see where each room would be!

Long day, lots of gravel being moved, but happy to have permits in place!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Frost Walls and Foundations

Well, it is Tuesday night and I'm switching gears.

Fred has been busy- as was John and Rene. The site has been cleared of debris and the trench for the frost walls dug. Between the wet clay and sand fill under the foundation, extra excavation was required and more gravel added to provide a firm base.

We are also concerned with the number of trees that had to be cut and how much the garage is going to cut into the back hill. Fred keeps saying that getting out of the ground is the hardest part.

So many decisions to be made. We are both tired, but still need to pack the truck for the morning. With the shorter days, we need to take advantage of every bit of light.

Can you say MUD!

Fred and I tried to lay out the stakes for the foundation on Saturday, but it was far too windy- we could hardly stand. The west wind had welcomed us.

On Sundsy,we had the opportunity to visit friend that Fred had built a house for in 2006. It had a lot of the elements we planned for in this home, so it was a treat to actually walk through the space. A delightful person.

It was a beautiful day, but there was lots of mud on site! Check out the boots! We spent some time laying out the outline of the new foundation and determining the grades. Unfortunately the leftover debris provided a challenge, but we were able to make some headway.

Fred's skill with the transit sure came in handy! A man of many talents, I am beginning to learn.