Friday, January 22, 2010

Warm Spring Sun

Although the day started out at -20, the sun in the afternoon was wonderful. I love the days when the sun has some warmth. I went for a walk down to the water and spotted the mink that has made his home on the pier. Even though he lets me get quite close, I'll need the telephoto lens to get a good picture.

The decking is up for the area by the mudroom door where the bbq will be. (Second pic) I suggested to Fred that a door to the screen porch might be convenient. I love when it can just happen! There is something about that space that feels so good- the sun, the view to the lake- like being in a tree fort. I can see us spending lots of time there. I love coming around the corner from the breezeway and seeing everything all laid out and can't wait for the first party.

Ryan came by to dig out the footings for the deck. We hope to get them started today. Although things are still moving slowly (Scott got another job) it is nice to take advantage of some mild days to work outside.

Off to Barrie for the weekend to finalize some fixtures and re-connect with friends.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Picking up speed after the break

It was a nice break over the holidays, but now we are starting to pick up speed again. It is great to have Sean back and Scott started this week.

The beam got lifted to support the screen porch and the floor is almost totally laid. The deck space underneath will be great for entertaining.

Last week we lifted the trusses onto the garage. We could have really used someone with more muscle than I have, but they guys did great. A tough day, although the weather has been very mild. The next couple of days were spent sheeting and shingling the roof.

A bit of extra time needed to be spent joining the main house to the garage since the trusses didn't come exactly as ordered. Good thing that Fred and Sean have the skill to hand frame and make it all work out. The Township was out on Thursday and passed the framing with only a few minor adjustments.

Bob Clarke was out for a visit and we put him to work helping install the top window and bedroom sliding door. Last time he comes out, I'm sure! It was a nice surprise to see him and go to his cottage for dinner.

The plumbing and electrical are pretty much roughed in and the insulation is started. We've been working with Tim from First Choice Kitchens to get the kitchen layout and cupboards picked out. This will be a different look for Fred, but I'm excited to see it all come together.

A home morning for me to get caught up in paperwork and get prices. A lot of things to price, order and nail down.